Samvidhan Live Junior Fellowship

Samvidhan Live Junior Fellowship

Registration link: Samvidhan Live Junior Fellowship 

Samvidhan Live Junior FellowshipAre you interested in journalism?

Do you wish to be a part of impactful journalism that focuses on people’s issues?

Are you interested in foregrounding social issues raised by citizens through your writing, research, reporting, documentary film-making, photography and work on digital platforms?

If yes, you are eligible to apply for the Samvidhan Live Junior Fellowship.

During this 3-month fellowship you will have the opportunity to:

  • Participate in the Samvidhan Live Ground Reporting Tour that is focused on people-centric journalism.
  • Build on your understanding of political, social, economic and cultural issues at the grassroots in Madhya Pradesh
  • Interview activists involved in People’s Movements in the state
  • Deepen your understanding of issues related to women, tribals, dalit and minorities in the state
  • Carry out discussions with farmers, youth, students, workers, daily wage labourers, children, senior citizens and other groups.
  • Contribute content to the forthcoming publications of Samvidhan Live related to the Politics of Madhya Pradesh and Social Movements.
  • Meet and Engage with some of the senior, well-known journalists in the state who are doing meaningful journalism
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Fellowship Duration: 3 months (March to May, 2024)

 Support provided:

  1. Access to Samvidhan Live Workspace, Library, Studio and Volunteer teams.
  2. Orientation workshops, exposure visits to media houses, access to senior journalists
  3. Sessions by leaders from Civil Society Groups on various socio-political and cultural issues
  4. Basic consolidated support of 30,000/- for 3 months.
  5. For travelling fellows, lodging, boarding and travel costs will be covered by Samvidhan Live.

Samvidhan Live Reporting Yatra

Upcoming Lok Sabha election coverage is expected to be flooded by sponsored news and vehement debates on news channels. Most mainstream newspapers will scream “ground report” but the focus will be on mundane statistics and dominant political personalities. A handful of journalists will be touring states with an intent for reporting from the ground, but their scope will be around political camps. The focus of most independent journalists and public interest groups will be around issues in the state of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, with a political lens.

Interestingly, the voice of Madhya Pradesh – a state at the heart of the country – does not resonate much in the national news. This despite the fact that in every election since 1952, this heartland of India has been very vocal in raising issues of national politics in the Assembly.

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The Samvidhan Live team will be travelling to various Lok Sabha constituencies of Madhya Pradesh to hear the most resounding echo of democracy. During this tour, we will be looking at political development through a socio-eco-cultural lens focusing on related questions raised by communities.

Selected Samvidhan Live Fellows will have the opportunity to accompany us on this journey. We will be joined by some well-known and senior journalists in the country.

During the yatra, we will be documenting the experiences and learnings from the journey.


If you wish to apply for the fellowship, click on this link Samvidhan Live Junior Fellowship and register by March 5, 2024.

For further details, you can email your queries at [email protected] or contact

Seema (9425014874)/ Sachin (7869128784)